Problem 6: Corn Maze [Sweet Tea Dorminy, 2010]
This past fall, Farmer John took the cows to visit a corn maze. But
this wasn't just any corn maze: it featured several gravity-powered
teleporter slides, which cause cows to teleport instantly from one
point in the maze to another. The slides work in both directions:
a cow can slide from the slide's start to the end instantly, or
from the end to the start. If a cow steps on a space that hosts
either end of a slide, she must use the slide.
The outside of the corn maze is entirely corn except for a single
The maze can be represented by an N x M (2 <= N <= 300; 2 <= M
<= 300) grid. Each grid element contains one of these items:
* Corn (corn grid elements are impassable)
* Grass (easy to pass through!)
* A slide endpoint (which will transport a cow to the other
* The exit
A cow can only move from one space to the next if they are adjacent
and neither contains corn. Each grassy space has four potential
neighbors to which a cow can travel. It takes 1 unit of time to
move from a grassy space to an adjacent space; it takes 0 units of
time to move from one slide endpoint to the other.
Corn-filled spaces are denoted with an octothorpe (#). Grassy spaces
are denoted with a period (.). Pairs of slide endpoints are denoted
with the same uppercase letter (A-Z), and no two different slides
have endpoints denoted with the same letter. The exit is denoted
with the equals sign (=).
Bessie got lost. She knows where she is on the grid, and marked her
current grassy space with the 'at' symbol (@). What is the minimum
time she needs to move to the exit space?
Consider the following grid, with N=5 and M=6:
A single slide has endpoints denoted by an uppercase W. Her optimal
strategy is to move right to the slide endpoint in 1 time, take the
slide in 0 time to the other endpoint, and move right and up in 2
more time to end on the exit. This requires a total of 3 time, the
PROBLEM NAME: cornmaze
* Line 1: Two space separated integers: N and M
* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 describes row i of the maze: M characters (no
5 6
* Line 1: An integer, corresponding to the shortest time that Bessie
needs to exit the maze.
SAMPLE OUTPUT (file cornmaze.out):
C语言: 高亮代码由发芽网提供
001 #include
002 #include
003 #include
004 #define MAXN 302
005 #define INF 1000000000
007 int dx[4] = {0,0,-1,1};
008 int dy[4] = {1,-1,0,0};
010 typedef struct node
011 {
012 struct node *next;
013 short w;
014 long v;
015 }node;
017 node *first[MAXN * MAXN];
019 char map[MAXN][MAXN];
020 long in[MAXN][MAXN],out[MAXN][MAXN];
021 int M,N;
022 long dist[MAXN * MAXN];
023 long tot = 0;
024 long S,T;
026 inline void addedge(long a,long b,short c)
027 {
028 node *p = malloc(sizeof(node));
029 p->v = b;
030 p->w = c;
031 p->next = first[a];
032 first[a] = p;
033 }
035 void init()
036 {
037 int i,j,k;
038 int pos[28][2][2] = {};
039 int vis[28] = {};
040 scanf("%d%d\n",&N,&M);
041 for(i = 1;i <= N;i ++)
042 {
043 scanf("%s\n",&map[i][1]);
044 for(j = 1;j <= M;j ++) //标号
045 {
046 if(map[i][j] == '#') continue;
047 in[i][j] = out[i][j] = ++tot;
048 if(map[i][j] == '@') S = out[i][j];
049 else if(map[i][j] == '=') T = in[i][j];
050 else if(map[i][j] <= 'Z' && map[i][j] >= 'A') //拆开传送点
051 out[i][j] = ++tot;
052 }
053 }
054 for(i = 1;i <= N;i ++) //建图
055 for(j = 1;j <= M;j ++)
056 {
057 if(map[i][j] != '#')
058 {
059 for(k = 0;k < 4;k ++)
060 if(map[i + dx[k]][j + dy[k]] != '#') addedge(out[i][j],in[i + dx[k]][j + dy[k]],1);
061 if(map[i][j] <= 'Z' && map[i][j] >= 'A')
062 {
063 if(!vis[map[i][j] - 'A'])
064 {
065 vis[map[i][j] - 'A'] = 1;
066 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][0][0] = i;
067 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][0][1] = j;
068 }
069 else
070 {
071 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][1][0] = i;
072 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][1][1] = j;
073 }
074 }
075 }
076 }
077 for(i = 0;i < 28;i ++)
078 if(vis[i])
079 {
080 addedge(in[pos[i][0][0]][pos[i][0][1]],out[pos[i][1][0]][pos[i][1][1]],0);
081 addedge(in[pos[i][1][0]][pos[i][1][1]],out[pos[i][0][0]][pos[i][0][1]],0);
082 }
083 }
085 long Q[MAXN * MAXN * 10],head,tail;
087 inline void enq(long x)
088 {
089 Q[tail ++] = x;
090 }
092 inline long deq()
093 {
094 return Q[head ++];
095 }
097 void SPFA()
098 {
099 long i;
100 node *p;
101 for(i = 1;i <= tot;i ++)
102 dist[i] = INF;
103 dist[S] = 0;
104 enq(S);
105 while(head < tail)
106 {
107 i = deq();
108 for(p = first[i];p != NULL;p = p->next)
109 if(dist[p->v] > dist[i] + p->w)
110 {
111 dist[p->v] = dist[i] + p->w;
112 enq(p->v);
113 }
114 }
115 printf("%ld\n",dist[T]);
116 }
118 int main()
119 {
120 freopen("","r",stdin);
121 freopen("cornmaze.out","w",stdout);
122 init();
123 SPFA();
124 fclose(stdout);
125 return 0;
126 }
002 #include
003 #include
004 #define MAXN 302
005 #define INF 1000000000
007 int dx[4] = {0,0,-1,1};
008 int dy[4] = {1,-1,0,0};
010 typedef struct node
011 {
012 struct node *next;
013 short w;
014 long v;
015 }node;
017 node *first[MAXN * MAXN];
019 char map[MAXN][MAXN];
020 long in[MAXN][MAXN],out[MAXN][MAXN];
021 int M,N;
022 long dist[MAXN * MAXN];
023 long tot = 0;
024 long S,T;
026 inline void addedge(long a,long b,short c)
027 {
028 node *p = malloc(sizeof(node));
029 p->v = b;
030 p->w = c;
031 p->next = first[a];
032 first[a] = p;
033 }
035 void init()
036 {
037 int i,j,k;
038 int pos[28][2][2] = {};
039 int vis[28] = {};
040 scanf("%d%d\n",&N,&M);
041 for(i = 1;i <= N;i ++)
042 {
043 scanf("%s\n",&map[i][1]);
044 for(j = 1;j <= M;j ++) //标号
045 {
046 if(map[i][j] == '#') continue;
047 in[i][j] = out[i][j] = ++tot;
048 if(map[i][j] == '@') S = out[i][j];
049 else if(map[i][j] == '=') T = in[i][j];
050 else if(map[i][j] <= 'Z' && map[i][j] >= 'A') //拆开传送点
051 out[i][j] = ++tot;
052 }
053 }
054 for(i = 1;i <= N;i ++) //建图
055 for(j = 1;j <= M;j ++)
056 {
057 if(map[i][j] != '#')
058 {
059 for(k = 0;k < 4;k ++)
060 if(map[i + dx[k]][j + dy[k]] != '#') addedge(out[i][j],in[i + dx[k]][j + dy[k]],1);
061 if(map[i][j] <= 'Z' && map[i][j] >= 'A')
062 {
063 if(!vis[map[i][j] - 'A'])
064 {
065 vis[map[i][j] - 'A'] = 1;
066 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][0][0] = i;
067 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][0][1] = j;
068 }
069 else
070 {
071 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][1][0] = i;
072 pos[map[i][j] - 'A'][1][1] = j;
073 }
074 }
075 }
076 }
077 for(i = 0;i < 28;i ++)
078 if(vis[i])
079 {
080 addedge(in[pos[i][0][0]][pos[i][0][1]],out[pos[i][1][0]][pos[i][1][1]],0);
081 addedge(in[pos[i][1][0]][pos[i][1][1]],out[pos[i][0][0]][pos[i][0][1]],0);
082 }
083 }
085 long Q[MAXN * MAXN * 10],head,tail;
087 inline void enq(long x)
088 {
089 Q[tail ++] = x;
090 }
092 inline long deq()
093 {
094 return Q[head ++];
095 }
097 void SPFA()
098 {
099 long i;
100 node *p;
101 for(i = 1;i <= tot;i ++)
102 dist[i] = INF;
103 dist[S] = 0;
104 enq(S);
105 while(head < tail)
106 {
107 i = deq();
108 for(p = first[i];p != NULL;p = p->next)
109 if(dist[p->v] > dist[i] + p->w)
110 {
111 dist[p->v] = dist[i] + p->w;
112 enq(p->v);
113 }
114 }
115 printf("%ld\n",dist[T]);
116 }
118 int main()
119 {
120 freopen("","r",stdin);
121 freopen("cornmaze.out","w",stdout);
122 init();
123 SPFA();
124 fclose(stdout);
125 return 0;
126 }
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