USACO的解法:先构建一个“图”,即用一个above[a][b],表示两个字符代表的层之间的关系,若above[a][b] == 1,那么a一定在b上面。接着用DFS遍历就可以了。
本人一开始又被坑了,题目中有说:It is possible to see at least one part of each of the four sides of a frame. A corner is part of two sides.因此可以直接确定每个frame上下左右的边界。因此possible函数没必要像下面的代码中那样复杂,DFS中的4个for也可以省略。
C语言: 高亮代码由发芽网提供
001 #include <stdio.h>
002 #include <stdlib.h>
003 #include <string.h>
004 #include <ctype.h>
006 int H,W;
007 char map[30][31];
008 int minh[27],minw[27]; //minimum span of a layer
009 char secq[26]; //for dfs use
010 int used[128]; //for dfs use
011 int lcnt = 0; //layer count
012 char cor[27]; //store num -> char for a little faster speed
013 char ans[10000][26]; //store answers
014 int anscnt = 0;
015 int charappcnt[128]; //count of chars, used in func possible
016 int row[128][31],col[128][31]; //mark if a char appears in a row/col
018 void init()
019 {
020 int i,j,m,n;
021 int d[128];
022 memset(d,0,sizeof(d));
023 scanf("%d%d\n",&H,&W);
024 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
025 scanf("%s\n",map[i]);
026 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
027 for(j = 0;j < W;j ++)
028 if(isupper(map[i][j]) && d[(int)map[i][j]] == 0)
029 {
030 d[(int)map[i][j]] = 1;
031 lcnt ++;
032 }
033 for(i = 'A',j = 0;i <= 'Z';i ++)
034 {
035 if(d[i] == 0) continue;
036 cor[++ j] = (char)i;
037 int b,e;
038 int flag;
039 flag = 1;
040 for(m = 0;m < H && flag;m ++)
041 for(n = 0;n < W;n ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {b = m;flag = 0;break;}
042 flag = 1;
043 for(m = H - 1;m >= 0 && flag;m --)
044 for(n = 0;n < W;n ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {e = m;flag = 0;break;}
045 minh[j] = e - b;
046 flag = 1;
047 for(n = 0;n < W && flag;n ++)
048 for(m = 0;m < H;m ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {b = n;flag = 0;break;}
049 flag = 1;
050 for(n = W - 1;n >= 0 && flag;n --)
051 for(m = 0;m < H;m ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {e = n;flag = 0;break;}
052 minw[j] = e - b;
053 if(minw[j] == 0) minw[j] = 2;
054 if(minh[j] == 0) minh[j] = 2;
055 }
056 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
057 for(j = 0;j < W;j ++)
058 {
059 charappcnt[(int)map[i][j]] ++;
060 row[(int)map[i][j]][i] = 1;
061 col[(int)map[i][j]][j] = 1;
062 }
063 }
065 int possible(char c,int i,int j,int m,int n)
066 {
067 int k;
068 int count = 0;
069 for(k = i;k <= m;k ++)
070 {
071 if(map[k][j] != c && used[(int)map[k][j]] == 0) return 0;
072 if(map[k][n] != c && used[(int)map[k][n]] == 0) return 0;
073 if(map[k][j] == c) count ++;
074 if(map[k][n] == c) count ++;
075 }
076 for(k = j;k <= n;k ++)
077 {
078 if(map[i][k] != c && used[(int)map[i][k]] == 0) return 0;
079 if(map[m][k] != c && used[(int)map[m][k]] == 0) return 0;
080 if(map[i][k] == c && k != j && k != n) count ++;
081 if(map[m][k] == c && k != j && k != n) count ++;
082 }
083 if(count != charappcnt[(int)c]) return 0;
084 return 1;
085 }
087 void dfs(int curl)
088 {
089 int i,a,b,m,n;
090 if(curl < 0)
091 {
092 int i;
093 for(i = 0;i < anscnt;i ++)
094 if(strncmp(ans[i],secq,lcnt) == 0) return;
095 strncpy(ans[anscnt ++],secq,lcnt);
096 return;
097 }
098 for(i = lcnt;i >= 1;i --)
099 {
100 if(!used[(int)cor[i]])
101 {
102 used[(int)cor[i]] = 1;
103 secq[curl] = cor[i];
104 for(a = 0;a < H;a ++)
105 if(row[(int)cor[i]][a])
106 for(b = 0;b < W;b ++)
107 if(col[(int)cor[i]][b])
108 for(m = a + minh[i];m < H;m ++)
109 if(row[(int)cor[i]][m])
110 for(n = b + minw[i];n < W;n ++)
111 {
112 if(col[(int)cor[i]][n] && possible(cor[i],a,b,m,n))
113 {
114 dfs(curl - 1);
115 if(curl == 0) goto lable;
116 }
117 }
118 lable:
119 secq[curl] = 0;
120 used[(int)cor[i]] = 0;
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 int cmp(const void *a,const void *b)
126 {
127 return strncmp((char *)a,(char *)b,lcnt);
128 }
130 int main()
131 {
132 int i;
133 freopen("frameup.in","r",stdin);
134 freopen("frameup.out","w",stdout);
135 init();
136 dfs(lcnt - 1);
137 qsort(ans,anscnt,26,cmp);
138 for(i = 0;i < anscnt;i ++)
139 printf("%s\n",ans[i]);
140 return 0;
141 }
002 #include <stdlib.h>
003 #include <string.h>
004 #include <ctype.h>
006 int H,W;
007 char map[30][31];
008 int minh[27],minw[27]; //minimum span of a layer
009 char secq[26]; //for dfs use
010 int used[128]; //for dfs use
011 int lcnt = 0; //layer count
012 char cor[27]; //store num -> char for a little faster speed
013 char ans[10000][26]; //store answers
014 int anscnt = 0;
015 int charappcnt[128]; //count of chars, used in func possible
016 int row[128][31],col[128][31]; //mark if a char appears in a row/col
018 void init()
019 {
020 int i,j,m,n;
021 int d[128];
022 memset(d,0,sizeof(d));
023 scanf("%d%d\n",&H,&W);
024 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
025 scanf("%s\n",map[i]);
026 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
027 for(j = 0;j < W;j ++)
028 if(isupper(map[i][j]) && d[(int)map[i][j]] == 0)
029 {
030 d[(int)map[i][j]] = 1;
031 lcnt ++;
032 }
033 for(i = 'A',j = 0;i <= 'Z';i ++)
034 {
035 if(d[i] == 0) continue;
036 cor[++ j] = (char)i;
037 int b,e;
038 int flag;
039 flag = 1;
040 for(m = 0;m < H && flag;m ++)
041 for(n = 0;n < W;n ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {b = m;flag = 0;break;}
042 flag = 1;
043 for(m = H - 1;m >= 0 && flag;m --)
044 for(n = 0;n < W;n ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {e = m;flag = 0;break;}
045 minh[j] = e - b;
046 flag = 1;
047 for(n = 0;n < W && flag;n ++)
048 for(m = 0;m < H;m ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {b = n;flag = 0;break;}
049 flag = 1;
050 for(n = W - 1;n >= 0 && flag;n --)
051 for(m = 0;m < H;m ++) if(map[m][n] == i) {e = n;flag = 0;break;}
052 minw[j] = e - b;
053 if(minw[j] == 0) minw[j] = 2;
054 if(minh[j] == 0) minh[j] = 2;
055 }
056 for(i = 0;i < H;i ++)
057 for(j = 0;j < W;j ++)
058 {
059 charappcnt[(int)map[i][j]] ++;
060 row[(int)map[i][j]][i] = 1;
061 col[(int)map[i][j]][j] = 1;
062 }
063 }
065 int possible(char c,int i,int j,int m,int n)
066 {
067 int k;
068 int count = 0;
069 for(k = i;k <= m;k ++)
070 {
071 if(map[k][j] != c && used[(int)map[k][j]] == 0) return 0;
072 if(map[k][n] != c && used[(int)map[k][n]] == 0) return 0;
073 if(map[k][j] == c) count ++;
074 if(map[k][n] == c) count ++;
075 }
076 for(k = j;k <= n;k ++)
077 {
078 if(map[i][k] != c && used[(int)map[i][k]] == 0) return 0;
079 if(map[m][k] != c && used[(int)map[m][k]] == 0) return 0;
080 if(map[i][k] == c && k != j && k != n) count ++;
081 if(map[m][k] == c && k != j && k != n) count ++;
082 }
083 if(count != charappcnt[(int)c]) return 0;
084 return 1;
085 }
087 void dfs(int curl)
088 {
089 int i,a,b,m,n;
090 if(curl < 0)
091 {
092 int i;
093 for(i = 0;i < anscnt;i ++)
094 if(strncmp(ans[i],secq,lcnt) == 0) return;
095 strncpy(ans[anscnt ++],secq,lcnt);
096 return;
097 }
098 for(i = lcnt;i >= 1;i --)
099 {
100 if(!used[(int)cor[i]])
101 {
102 used[(int)cor[i]] = 1;
103 secq[curl] = cor[i];
104 for(a = 0;a < H;a ++)
105 if(row[(int)cor[i]][a])
106 for(b = 0;b < W;b ++)
107 if(col[(int)cor[i]][b])
108 for(m = a + minh[i];m < H;m ++)
109 if(row[(int)cor[i]][m])
110 for(n = b + minw[i];n < W;n ++)
111 {
112 if(col[(int)cor[i]][n] && possible(cor[i],a,b,m,n))
113 {
114 dfs(curl - 1);
115 if(curl == 0) goto lable;
116 }
117 }
118 lable:
119 secq[curl] = 0;
120 used[(int)cor[i]] = 0;
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 int cmp(const void *a,const void *b)
126 {
127 return strncmp((char *)a,(char *)b,lcnt);
128 }
130 int main()
131 {
132 int i;
133 freopen("frameup.in","r",stdin);
134 freopen("frameup.out","w",stdout);
135 init();
136 dfs(lcnt - 1);
137 qsort(ans,anscnt,26,cmp);
138 for(i = 0;i < anscnt;i ++)
139 printf("%s\n",ans[i]);
140 return 0;
141 }
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